25/02/2000 Markus Buckley [ e5slick@netcomuk.co.uk ]
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Hi! lookoing for an English PAL copy of The Keep Video - even second Hand will do!!!
Thank you Markus
27/02/2000 Grant Somerville [ grant.somerville@virgin.net ]
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List of Quality Live Recordings from TD. Send E-mail for details.
29/02/2000 leendert bijnagte [ leendert@csc-ip.nl ]
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The KEEP (TDI version)
08/03/2000 Mike [ bennett1@sprint.ca ]
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Live concerts 1977-
16/03/2000 Gianluca Mattei [ iperphoenix@libero.it ]
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Cerco bootleg, rarita' e video VHS sui mitici TD! Potete aiutarmi? Ciao a tutti e un complimento a Nike per il sito, molto bello!
29/03/2000 Eduardo S. Sampaio [ esampaio@compuland.com.br ]
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Hi friends, I'm looking for four bootlegs."LIVE!IMPROVISED","OEDIPUS TYRANNUS","PHAEDREAM" and "APRIL 2,1975".
25/05/2000 Olivo Christophe [ olivochristophe@voila.fr ]
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Je cherche la B.O. de "Shy People" en C.D.
19/06/2000 Michael Hill [ mhill@sover.net ]
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I have a "The Keep" bootleg soundtrack CD - but, I am looking to acquire the Official TDI "THE KEEP" soundtrack CD. Anybody out there have a copy available?
19/06/2000 Michael Hill [ mhill@sover.net ]
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Looking for CD soundtracks for RAINBOW DRIVE and STRANGE BEHAVIOR - if they exist.
07/07/2000 Eduardo [ tangram@esmas.com ]
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Do u have the soundtrack of HEARTBREAKERS ...??? Si lo tienes lo compro...!!! quiero conseguir ese compac...!!! sabras donde???
27/08/2000 Dale Nichols [ DaleLN@aol.com ]
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Looking for a copy of Sonambulistic Imagery or a copy of the song "Imagery Three" from the album.
14/09/2000 Baroncini Giorgio [ bg62d@infol.it ]
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Cerco registrazioni video dei concerti dei Tangerine Dream . Aiutatemi Grazie
02/11/2000 Marcio Mazzini [ antomaz@argo.com.br ]
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I want buy the original vynil LP "Ricochet".The cover will be in perfect conditions. I want buy, too, the picture disc "Poland"
16/05/2001 GONZALO CANALES [ GCanales@melon.cl ]
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I want buy the original version of the keep by TDI
08/11/2001 Marek [ marcoxl@interia.pl ]
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I wont to buy records from polish concert "The most beautiful rock for peace" in Worsow (07.09.2001)
15/01/2002 Paul Koester [ paulkoester@mindspring.com ]
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Hello...I'm looking for the Wavelength Soundtrack CD. Please e-mail if available. Thank you, Paul
21/02/2002 Achim Schmeer [ Achim.Schmeer@t-online.de ]
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Le Parc, Shy People, Firestarter, on CD
22/03/2002 rizzardi claudio [ rizzardiclaudio@tiscalinet.it ]
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26/03/2002 john maglinao [ johnmaglianomusic@msn.com ]
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I AM Looking To Buy "Orginal" CD Copy's Of Edgar Frose-AQUA Edgar Frose-EPSILON IN MALAYSIAN PALE Tangerine Dream-FIRESTARTER
02/07/2002 Kent Hansen [ Kenny@osl.no ]
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Tangerine Dream Live Tapes from 1975, specially from the Aaustralian Tour, march 1975!!! But did there exist more than only two concerts??
04/08/2002 francesco [ bonaldif@libero.it ]
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cercavo cd dei td chi può aiutarmi? grazie
24/08/2002 disarò massimo [ zetaroger@libero.it ]
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cerco bootleg dei mitici tangerine dream. anche cd-r basta che siano originali.
22/09/2002 GUALTIERO NIGRA [ decheivers@tin.it ]
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wanted vhs sorcerer, pal systhem, anche copia, se possibile in italiano.
02/04/2003 Antonio Giovannini [ giovanthony@tin.it ]
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19/05/2003 patrice fournier [ patrice.fournier13@wanadoo.fr ]
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I seek Cd bootlegs of TD. Reasonable prices !!!! Thank you
20/01/2004 Antonio Giovannini [ giovanthony@tin.it ]
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13/08/2004 James Facey [ james@topsnapper.com ]
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Looking for TD Live Video (BBC) at Coventry Cathederal 1975. Any format. for pesonal use only.
17/12/2004 John Miesionczek [ cobrahead@cfl.rr.com ]
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Looking for Heartbreakers on CD
05/06/2005 Valentino [ utland62@libero.it ]
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DVD grece 83 - DVD poland 83 - CD bootleg Cantù 7/2/1981 - ( io c'ero !!! ) il palazzatto si chiamava PIANELLA e non PIANELLI !
23/11/2006 Edward Adam Garcia [ of.chancelor@gte.net ]
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Melrose Years,and Dangerlive
07/03/2007 xulev [ collectors-heaven@arcor.de ]
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Hello! Will buy Vinyl bootlegs: FOTZENSLECKER, BABYLONS STRANGE OR NETZLAUTSTÄRKE. Will pay any price. Thanks